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Monday, January 21, 2008

Un oras de chiciura

Intr-o dimineata m-am trezit intr-un oras de chiciura. M-am uitat pe geamul dela bucatarie: ramurile copacilor scanteiau sticlos in lumina aceea zgarcita, cata venea dinspre cerul plumburiu.

Era sfarsit de decembrie si vremea era capricioasa.

Venisem in Bucuresti visand sa decantez pe indelete amestecul de Stambul si de Paris. Si visam sa inteleg mai bine perioada dintre cele doua razboaie mondiale: Bucurestiul avangardei anilor douazeci si treizeci. Cateva zile dupa ce revenisem realizasem ca orasul se schimbase mult. Venisem pasionat sa gasesc cladirile avangardei, dadeam peste un Hong-Kong in asteptarea unui Chris Doyle care sa il fotografieze.

Un oras viu, contrastant, neasteptat, fortandu-te mereu sa o iei dela capat cu intelegerea lui.

Si iata ca dimineata aceea imi oferise o noua surpriza. Burestii mei erau un oras de chiciura.

Mi-am petrecut toata ziua in casa. Seara am iesit sa ma plimb un pic. Locul de joaca de pe langa bloc parea un basm minunat,

Am facut iute doua poze, cu si fara flash.

I woke up one morning to find a city of ice. Everything was white and the branches of the trees were sparkling.

I spent the day at home. I went out for a walk in the evening. The playground nearby was a fairy tale. I tried two photos, one with the auto flash, another without flash.

Bucharest: the small Paris hiding the small Phanar, the city of the Avant-Garde of the twenties, the city of the apartment buildings of the long years of Communism, the city of the present: dynamic and contrastant, crazy, noisy, beautiful and ugly, always surprising, always unexpected. A Hong Kong waiting for his Chris Doyle.

That day it was a city of hoar frost.



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